Saturday, March 21, 2009

Partnerships of marriage also includes chores!

A marriage is partnership. When one person "drops the ball" it's hard for the other half to pick up the slack. One of the best ways to have a happy marriage is to keep open communication. If you are feeling like you contribute more than your spouse that needs to be said. For instance if you live in a house hold where you are both working outside of the home, yet you are "expected" to also do all of the cooking and cleaning and raising of the children it may be time for you and your spouse to set down and work out a schedule. I understand that being a stay at home mother you have more "time" to do these things, however when you are a stay at home mother all of your time is consumed by these three tasks. Now working and then trying to do all of the other "expectations" will wear you down and leave resentment toward your spouse, any resentment in a relationship is not healthy. By setting ground rules with your spouse and sharing the house hold chores such as cooking and cleaning you will both be happier! Maybe if you cook dinner have your husband do the dishes while you put the kids to bed. Another suggestion is to have a cleaning company come in once or twice a month (while you are both at work) to do the deep cleaning for you. You can usually find a good company for $55-$60/cleaning. For me the $120 a month is less than we spend on our cable bill and is worth every penny. If there isn't an extra $120/mth in the budget you may want to reevaluate and see where you can make small cuts. Good luck!

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